“I steal from everybody. Picasso stole from everybody. Modigliani stole from everybody. Mr. Michelangelo stole from the Greeks. Mr. DaVinci stole from Giotto. Rufino Tamayo stole from the Mayan civilization. There isn’t one man that does not steal. Let me tell you: a big talent steals, a small talent borrows. I steal."
It has been said that two people paint a picture-one with a brush and one with a hammer. You hope that someday, if you’re lucky, you can find the hammer within yourself.
Painting the face as a picture is not difficult. It is rather easy. But to paint the essence of what that face is or what it represents to me-that’s going to be the next step.”
Anthony Quinn has been awarded a multitude of awards during his long career but still lives by the philosophy expressed when he picked up his Academy Award in 1956: “Acting has never been a matter of competition to me. I am competing with myself”
Art plays a lasting and significant role in his life.