Masayuki Miyata was born in Tokyo in 1926. Although he received no formal art training, his natural artistic ability led him to become the pre-eminent artist of theancient Chinese art of kiri-e. Since the beginning of his career as an artist, Mr. Miyata has completed over 50,000 kiri-e works, many of which are included in prestigious museums world-wide such as the Modern Religious Art Collection of the Vatican Museum and the Gutenberg Museum in Germany.
The most moving experience of his career, Miyata says, was in April 1982, when another of his works depicting Red Mt. Fuji, was presented to Pope John Paul II before a throng of 120,000 people in Saint Peters Square at the Vatican.
From 1972 to 1992, Masayuki Miyata has had sixteen major publications featuring his work. In December 1990, an exhibition of his work was held at Espace Pierre Cardin in Paris and in February 1991, six of Miyata's kiri-e were selected for special display at the Paris Biennale 100th Anniversary Exhibition at the Grand Palais. In 1990, Mr. Miyata presented his precious kiri-e paintings to the former First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Barbara Bush, at the White House.