Tony troy was born in Liverpool. After failing to get into art school he went to Science College. After failing to become a scientist he went on to become an accountant. It was in this profession he was fired from six jobs! Then one day, while on his way to the labor exchange he came across a group of street artists drawing the portraits of tourists. He joined them and found himself drawing portraits amongst the many homeless, thieves, hustlers and street drunks. It was here that Troy knew he couldn't fail any more. It was also from here that Troy learned the art of portraiture and went on to be exhibited by The Royal Society. After drawing a host of Society Ladies and Gentlemen, Troy found his drawings had lost the magic of the street drawings. He again returned once more to drawing portraits on the streets of London. It was after his return that the charm and whimsy of the many street characters began to influence his drawings and his new found skill of storytelling.
Tony Troy’s play "The Flute Player's Song" was performed off Broadway. Cd's of the plays score are an additional bonus given with every artwork purchase.
On the streets of London, an old beggar-woman has her two cherished umbrellas stolen. Only a simple Fool in rags offers to help her find them. All laugh as he runs off in search of the umbrellas while claiming to be following the music of an invisible old Flute Player.